Friday 13 February 2009

Marie Antoinette would have loved these roses!

I have a fascination and interst in Rococo design - the art, the interiors, the fashions, the decorative items, the china, the fabrics, the paintings - and I can't help but think of Marie Antoinette when I look at these roses. This is another view of the James Galway roses - and all the frilly edges, and the tightly pack blooms, the number of blooms on each stems, and the sheer size of the plant itself (this is a large shrub rose and it climbs on my fence and would take over the whole garden I think, if it just had a chance!) just makes me think of Versaille in the 18th Century and Marie Antoinette on all her finery!!! Imagine a full skirt with roses like this as trim! Fit for a queen.

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